Monday, October 25, 2010

The Change, The Challenge, The Medical Incredible!

Well, many things have happened since I last blogged about 
“The Fat Hair Guy Project” 

and ran my first 5K.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

 to all you strangers and friends alike that have approached me with words of support and encouragement. 

Sorry if I looked freaked out if I didn’t recognize you, still getting used to all this.

I am glad to hear that my long suffering has served as an inspiration to some. 

The first thing I will say is that I have now

Lost: 22lbs

And about: 20 inches 

(Most of it out of my butt)
(I think my nurse Mary called it “an acute case of noassatall” very not funny!)

I have struggled with things like finding time to jog at the end of a 10 or 12 hour work day and not munching out at 11pm.
Other than that, I have learned that just being more conscious of my calorie intake from fat v lean foods and portion control, makes a huge difference in the maintaining of my losses and victories over future defeat.

Two things have dawned on me:
1)      As I choose foods from my list that I enjoy, as I re-discover new foods to enjoy, I am now understanding how this thing is going to be sustainable.

2) I am not only buying regular old fashioned food from the grocery store, but I am learning to shop the perimeter. Most of my stuff Fruits, Veggies, Protiens (Clean burning, low fat, low Cal., Lean healthy foods.) are on the out side of the store. The evil stuff, like my cheese puffs and soda and ice cream are in the dark recesses of the store or in there own special hell section. 


As you may or may not recall from my first entry, this entire thing was kicked off as a challenge from my lovely Co-Worker Jolene.

After training for a month and 2 weeks to run my first 5K I did just that.

The Jungle Jog served as a catalyst to move me in to a new phase of my life.

I have since attended one other and I am signed up for 1 or 2 more.
I still have yet to find that “Runners High” or a stinking buzz for that matter, but the way I feel being able to keep up with my kids for the fist time and watching them watching me and learning the importance of fitness for a life time, keeps me going!

My Sex drive is over the top! 

One might think that is a good side effect, but my jury is still out. 

I’m not in the market for another hobby, but nice to know I still got it!

As I build back muscle mass my weight loss seems to me, to have halted, but I’m cool with that.

I am feeling great. I would still like to lose 5 lbs more for wiggle room as I see the Holidays Creeping Up (What?, I’m not the man of steel.) I will cheat some!   

I would be remiss if I did not give recognition to the lady that kicks my ass every time we get together to “Work Me Out” and Reset my metabolism.

Look I dig Meggin, but dude, between the humiliation of squats on some

or working me out with PINK RUBERBANDS

 within eye shot of the buff dudes this entire process takes guts!

As if it were not bad enough that my trainer is Beautiful and Strong and Kind, now I get to be reminded as to how bad I let myself go every time she “Works me out” with a weight bar with NO WIEGHTS ON IT!
Yes, I am a wimp.

I will admit, and this has become my new mantra,
I STILL do not love this process, 

but I am a convert of the power of making fitness a piece of my lifestyle!

My trainer indeed helps keep me accountable and helps me get the most out of the exercise I am doing.

When you are like me, that is to say kicking and screaming the entire way, having someone there to keep an eye on your form and to motivate you to push 1 more time, this is HUGE in the process.

Although it is clear that Personal trainers CAN'T COUNT !!

Wow, that kills me!

The Medical Incredible!

The biggest news of this round is this.

My doctors have given my their blessing and I am

Yes, OFF!!

This life change has rocked my world! 

I leave the half used bottles of my meds next to new vitamins to stand as a reminder that miracles can happen and that sometimes, even your wimpy best efforts are enough to construct a life change.

I will say it again,


As my elderly, Texan, friend, Kater would say,
“ Well boy, the proofs in the pudding!”

 This pudding has already probably earned me 10 more quality years of life with the ones I love.

What more could I ask for?

I will check in soon with my last update!

For those of you following along,



1 comment:

  1. Way to go Mark!!! Look forward to running the 5k in November. It will be fun.
